5 Ways to Cure Seasickness When Sailing

Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a beginner, and whether it is you who is struggling with seasickness when out on your ‘toon, you have to know how to deal with it. There are a few things you can do before you step on the boat to prevent seasickness, and a few remedies for when you’re already feeling bad – and we’ve covered all we know in the list below:

1. Citrus fruits and ginger are your best friends. Whether it’s gulping down a cup of ginger tea or chewing on a slice of lemon, these products can help you chase the sea sickness away in minutes. If you’re allergic to any of these, or just can’t afford the luxury of brewing some tea for yourself while on the boat, you can also find natural extracts in capsules or pills. Children might not be extremely hip to chewing on raw ginger either, so, as an alternative, stack up on some bananas – the potassium in them also helps relieve the unpleasant sensation.

2. Acupuncture bracelets. This one of the methods we found worked best for both adults and children on pontoons. You can buy these bracelets in pretty much any drugstore or supermarket, and all you have to do is put them on your wrist before stepping on the boat. The bracelet has specially designed pressure points that help your body get rid of the sensation of seasickness. They’re also good for stress and anxiety relief – just in case someone on your boat doesn’t trust your sailing skills.

3. Gaze at the horizon or shore – one of the main causes of seasickness is that everything around us is in motion, which is why our eyes grow tired and transmit signals to the brain, causing the dreaded sensation of nausea. What you can do if you don’t have any other remedy is find a still point to gaze at – your best bets are the horizon and the shore. That should calm your vision and make you feel better – albeit it can take a bit of time.

4. Get some over-the-counter medication. If none of the natural remedies above seem to work for you, it’s best to get some over-the-counter meds and just wash down a pill as soon as you step on the boat. Benadryl is the most common remedy for seasickness, but a Google search should bring up a few more you can rely on.

5. Don’t close your eyes and let it out when needed. Seasickness is kind of similar to drunkenness – if you do feel nauseous or queasy, it’s probably best to just let it out. Most people feel better minutes after vomiting, although it can be a bit unpleasant. Also, try not to close your eyes if you’re feeling seasick and focus on the horizon instead – it will increase the sensation of nausea by tenfold.

These were the top 5 tips on how to avoid or cure seasickness that every boater needs to know before setting sail. Of course, you can also visit a doctor and get some prescription meds if none of these work for you – but generally, natural remedies and over-the-counter meds should do the trick for just about anyone feeling a bit dizzy.

Jerry Brookes

Hi I'm Jerry, founder of PontoonHelper.com. I've been pontooning for over 30 years believe it or not and have learned a thing or two about pontoons. As my passion project Pontoon Helper is aimed at educating any reader on all the different things you need to know before pontooning. I consider myself somewhat of an expert in this industry as it has become my life since retirement. Feel free to submit a comment or question on the website and I'll try to get back to you.

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