Jerry Brookes

Author Archives: Jerry Brookes

Hi I'm Jerry, founder of I've been pontooning for over 30 years believe it or not and have learned a thing or two about pontoons. As my passion project Pontoon Helper is aimed at educating any reader on all the different things you need to know before pontooning. I consider myself somewhat of an expert in this industry as it has become my life since retirement. Feel free to submit a comment or question on the website and I'll try to get back to you.

Top Essentials for Boating

You are the proud owner of a pontoon boat and you’re ready to finally launch it on a lake, after having towed it for 3 hours on the highway. You go start the engine, but oops! it doesn’t work. Now what? There’s nothing more annoying than this kind of experience: you make all the efforts […]

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Advantages of a Pontoon Boat

You have just come across a winning lottery ticket or you want to finally spend a couple of thousands from your savings in order to get a vehicle for your entertainment. You’ve looked into the car and motorcycle offer, as well as some small airplanes you know you’ll probably never pilot, and finally decided to […]

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Advantages of a Pontoon Boat Over Other Boats

You have just come across a winning lottery ticket or you want to finally spend a couple of thousands from your savings in order to get a vehicle for your entertainment. You’ve looked into the car and motorcycle offer, as well as some small airplanes you know you’ll probably never pilot, and finally decided to […]

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How to Polish and Clean Your Pontoon

It’s natural that, after spending a good couple of thousands on your pontoon boat, you want it to look as beautiful and shiny after a few months or years in the water as it looked when you first launched it. As such, besides the furniture and accessories upgrades that are essential in order to preserve […]

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Best Changing Room Solution for Pontoon Boats?

When people take their pontoon boat to water for the first time, there’s an ongoing trend to forget that they can’t simply swim in their street attire, nor can they simply change clothes in plain sight. Of course, some people simply don’t care and just do whatever needs to be done, but this is not […]

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Essential Safety Kit for Pontooning

It’s a universally applicable saying that “better safe than sorry” and safety around moving vehicles is something you can never take enough care of. Especially when that particular vehicle is on a body of water in which you can fall and drown. As such, there are multiple safety regulations, imposed both at a national level […]

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Best Anchor Types for Your Pontoon

It seems easy enough to just get the anchor overboard and drop it in the water. You just need some muscle and a solid line to hold the anchor and bang! It’s all done. However, things are not as simple in reality. Of course, if you’re on a very small boat like a canoe or […]

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3 Disadvantages of Pontoon Boats

We all hear, on pontoon boat websites, that ‘toons are the best of the best, most amazing multifunctional boats in existence and whoever owns a boat that is not a pontoon should sell it and get a pontoon. Quite frankly, all the things said about pontoon boats are true to an extent. These boats are […]

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An Unbiased Guide To The Best Pontoon Boat Covers

We all know boats are expensive. If you don’t know for sure how expensive, whoever bought or built you a boat knows for sure. Pontoon boats, in spite of being used for leisure activities instead of rapid water rafting or ocean cruising, are definitely not on the cheap end either, even if you build them […]

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Pontoon Boat Trolling Motor Review

If you’re planning to use your pontoon boat for fishing, a trolling motor is an essential upgrade you should invest in. Not only can some of them pair up with your GPS or fishfinder to help you find the best spots for fishing, but they will also be much quieter than the actual engine, which is crucial […]

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Pontoon Boat Average Weight With Examples

Most of the people imagine that a boat, in order to float, has to be astonishingly light. However, any boat owner knows so well the pain of finding a truck with enough torque to tow their pontoon boat without getting its engine blown. As such, weight is a thing you need to take into account […]

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10 Fun Ideas For Kids On Boats

There are few thing that could ruin a nice, relaxing Sunday out on your pontoon more than a bunch of bored and whiny kids. And if you don’t want that to happen but still want your little ones to get out of the house for at least a couple of hours and join you on […]

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BBQ Grills For Pontoon Boats

For those people who appreciate some nice, relaxing leisure time, there’s nothing more enjoyable than spending a couple of hours on a peaceful lake, floating around on a pontoon boat. You know, it’s that feeling of gentle rocking that you can get in a normal boat as well, just without sacrificing any of the stability […]

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Top Marine Speakers For Pontoons

There’s nothing like a good party when you want to relax and feel entertained. You can just let go of whatever worries burden you, have a beer or an orange juice, munch on your favorite brand of nachos or peanuts, and dance ‘til you drop. What can you get more than that, you ask? Well, […]

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Best Towable Tube For 4 Persons

Some people like to be alone when they enjoy their favorite nautical sport. For all the others, a towable tube is the best thing they could ever drag behind a pontoon boat. Simple, yet entertaining, a 4-seat towable tube will allow your entire family to enjoy being flipped into the water at 20mph. Before shopping […]

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Accessories For Pontoon Boat

So you’ve thought it through, convinced your wife & kids, and finally purchased a pontoon boat. Now what? Well, if you think that all there is to a pontoon boat is buying it and riding the waves, you’re pretty much wrong. This kind of purchase may very well be a lifetime investment, as it’s nothing […]

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Best Towable Tubes For 2, 3 or More People

We don’t doubt that you can spend a whole weekend just chilling on your deck with a fishing rod and a few cold ones. Or a newspaper, a book, and a cup of your favorite tea. However, if you decide to throw a big party on your pontoon involving different ages, you’d better prepare some […]

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Pontoon Boat Fish Finder Installation

Unfortunately for those who like fishing and plan to do it on a greater scale than just sitting on the deck with a fishing rod and waiting for something to bite, installing the fish finder they’ve just purchased is a bit more complicated than one would expect. If you’re part of that category, be sure […]

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Top 5 Best Pontoon Anchors For All Conditions

When it comes to boating in general, an anchor is one of the most important things you should invest in right away – before the pontoon even touches the water. When you’re out on a small and calm lake for some swimming or fishing, you might not need an anchor to keep the boat in […]

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